Sunday, August 26, 2007

My America

I think that I should share with you my paper I had to write for my History class. The assignment was to write a one page paper on "What America means to me". Here you are:

America means a lot to me. It means that this is a place where you can speak your mind. You can speak your mind and not get thrown in jail or killed. America is a place where people get together and debate about things. They debate about big things like who should run the country or little things like who’s going to win the football game between two teams. America is a place where people can congregate and have a good time like at a sporting event or at a rock concert. This is a place where people get to decide who runs the entire country. We have the greatest power in the entire world, and it comes with great responsibility. Other countries hate us because we have that right. They hate us because they don’t have the things that we have. They only wish they could be apart of the greatest event that is voting. The men and women of this great nation have the most influence over everything we do, from what shows we watch on television to who we should choose to lead our country and make life altering decisions. This nation is a nation about opportunity. This is a place where you can get a job and work your way up the working ladder. In America, you can be whatever you want to be. If you want to be an astronaut, then you can do it. But, most of all, America to me is about freedom. This nation allows us to do whatever we want. If we want to hold a rally taking about how awful our government is, then you can do that and you won’t have to worry about getting in trouble. America is the greatest nation in the entire world and it’s because we have the best F-word in the entire English language… F-R-E-E-D-O-M.

I think I could have wrote about a 6 page paper on this subject.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


No blog with this one. It speaks for itself.